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Smoothed Mathematical Functions

The functions in this section are smoothed equivalents of the original math functions and can be used to allow computing derivatives around discontinuities.


T smooth_abs(T x, T c = 0.001) is a smoothed version of abs, defined as:

\[ \text{smooth\_abs}(x,c) = \left\{\begin{array}{lll} |x| & & \text{if }x < c\text{ or } x > c\\[5pt] x^2\left(\frac{2}{c}-\frac{1}{c^2} x\right) & & \text{if }0 \leq x \leq c\\[5pt] x^2\left(\frac{2}{c}+\frac{1}{c^2} x\right) & & \text{if }-c \leq x < 0 \end{array}\right. \]
  • x is the input value
  • c is the cut-off point for the spline-approximated area (default: 0.001)
  • returns: The smoothed absolute value, defined as above.


T smooth_max(T x, T y, T c = 0.001) is a smoothed version of max, defined as:

\[ \text{smooth\_max}(x,y,c) = 0.5\left(x+y+\text{smooth\_abs}(x-y,c)\right) \]
  • x First argument to max
  • y Second argument to max
  • c Cut-off point for the spline-approximated area (default: 0.001)
  • returns: The smoothed max function, defined as above


T smooth_min(T x, T y, T c = 0.001) is a smoothed version of min, defined as:

\[ \text{smooth\_min}(x,y,c) = 0.5\left(x+y-\text{smooth\_abs}(x-y,c)\right) \]
  • x First argument to min
  • y Second argument to min
  • c Cut-off point for the spline-approximated area (default: 0.001)
  • returns: The smoothed min function, defined as above